When it's Monday every day

How to increase your job motivation.                      

Too tired, too many tasks, too little coffee, too Monday? Even those who have turned their dream or hobby into a profession experience phases in which they can't shift into second gear. With melancholic thoughts, one clings to the weekend and would like to extend it by only two or three days every week. To ensure a better work-life balance. 


Everyone has a goal

Many people aren't aware that their job is actually part of this balance. If the job has too little weight, dissatisfaction will arise sooner or later. In every person, the need to achieve something, be successful, and reach certain goals is deeply anchored. 

A few inner helpers, as discipline, determination, and a sense of duty, can be easily signed up for this job. But these three don't achieve much without their boss: motivation. Motivation not only triggers our willingness to perform but also knows when we need to develop or take detours. It tells us point-blank if we'll not find happiness in our job despite all our efforts and when it's time to find a new one.

Experts distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The former arises in every person as a result of wishes, dreams, and passions. The latter is aroused by external factors such as money, status, and power. Intrinsic motivation is the stronger one of the pair. If it's missing, the extrinsic motivation cannot grow. But they can also influence us together, and the extrinsic motivation can at some point completely replace the intrinsic motivation.

Long-term maintenance of your motivation

Where are you going? Formulate your goal for yourself, bear it in mind, and get enthusiastic.

What triggers you? Create an environment that inspires your zeal and lets it prosper by naming your inner and outer incentives.

What holds you back? Spot the stones blocking your way. Some of them you must haul away. Others you can bypass.

Where would you like to be in the meantime? Some goals can realistically only be reached after several years. Therefore, you must set milestones that will make you feel good when reaching them.

What do you enjoy doing? Reward yourself for your work at every milestone you reach but also in between.

What bothers you? Not every step of your journey will be enjoyable. Yet, you must take every single one of them. Set a time limit for the difficult stages.

Helpful tricks

Consciously work with positive affirmations, e.g. "I am successful." That also includes immediately banning negative affirmations from your mind as "I am so tired" or "This is so difficult for me" and replacing them with positive ones.

Scientific studies have shown that the color green has a motivational effect. Wear something green, hang up a green picture in your office, and/or go out into your natural surroundings. This way, you'll kill two birds with one stone as the next essential element for continuous motivation is movement. It's recommendable to be physically active for at least 30 minutes a day. Running and cycling are just as great as yoga and fitness exercises. By keeping physically fit, you'll also nourish your well-being and strengthen your mental fitness.

A lack of energy is a common cause of lack of motivation. Not only the hectic everyday life sucks the energy out of you like a vampire. Also, environmental pollution, like electromagnetic radiation, which continually affects our cells, drains you. The 90.10.-CARD firstly protects your organism from the negatively disturbing effects, and, secondly, raises your energy level daily.