The good thing about negative emotions

Understanding grief, anger, and exhaustion

Up isn't the only way in live, and sometimes, the roads you walk on a winding. Life is like a landscape with hills and valleys. No one wants to experience negative emotions like anger, sadness, or exhaustion. Yet they are as much a part of life as joy and happiness. The fact that they are energy thieves is only partly true. You can also grow through sadness, anger, and exhaustion if you allow them and consciously deal with them.


Grief can make you strong

We often perceive a loss, which we experience during a separation or through the death of a loved one, as a crushing blow of fate. Grief and sadness cause our energy level to drop. As a result, we are less able to perform, and in some seconds even seem to be paralyzed. While the body shifts down a few gears, the mind realigns itself. You reflect on yourself and your situation, and your own needs become clear.

At this point, it would be fatal to merely note that your needs are unfulfilled and isolate yourself in deeper grief. It would be just as wrong to ignore the inventory that has been made and numb the grief. Both could lead into classic depression.

The logical response is also the only correct one: fulfill your needs. Perhaps this requires the comfort and support of friends or family, maybe also the change of certain circumstances, attitudes, or expectations. In any case, strengthening takes place and a preperation for a new, possibly later loss.

Anger can show you your limits

It bubbles up and expands inside you. Within seconds it rolls over you like a hot wave and washes away every clear thought. Rage releases enormous energy because your limits or values were not appreciated or even violated by the other person. As much as you want to defend them loudly and vehemently now, hold back and become aware of which need or value has been attacked, which action or expression has made you angry. Then communicate.

The burst of energy that came with the rage enables you to do something that might get lost in other moments: you can tell those around you what you need, what you stand for, and where your boundaries are. You'll see how good it feels to make your position clear. After that, it's your opponent's turn. Either he/she accepts your values, needs, and boundaries or doesn't. In the latter case, you can distance yourself from this person and thus protect yourself from further emotional outbursts.

Exhaustion can increase your mindfulness

The burnout syndrome has been developing into a widespread disease in the western industrial world for several years. Constant availability, permanent pressure to perform, and a false sense of duty are just a few of the causes. First of all, the feeling of exhaustion and burnout means nothing more than your body's need for a break. During a break, it usually recovers very well from both physical and mental strain. Even if it is unusual in our time to show weakness, you should allow yourself your weakness and thus also the break.

Be aware of your situation and find out why you have reached this point. Is your lifestyle and life content good for you? Do you want to live this way? What needs do you have? What do you need to change so that these needs do not fall short? Once you are aware of this, you will be able to take more care of yourself and your energy balance.

Energy for the change of perspective

Consciously dealing with supposedly negative feelings opens our eyes to necessary changes and possibilities. We can thus draw positivity from negativity. The power capsule 90.10.-ZERO POINT ENERGY provides you with more energy for this process. If you carry it with you, i.e. on your body, it will continuously supply you with valuable quantum energy, which will, among other things, improve your intuition and perception. It will be easier for you to recognize, analyze, and accept negative emotions in order to draw positive energy from them for your life.