Power for the brain

Routines, energy, and frequencies for a healthy brain

For a long time, dementia was seen as an inevitable illness of old age. Today, however, many studies show that specific everyday actions and routines can have a positive effect on the brain's function. These routines help not only the elderly but also younger adults at school, university, and at work to improve their brain performance.


Good everyday routines

Without regular exercise and endurance sports, the body gradually makes itself comfortable and goes into a kind of resting state. This can result in decreased blood transport to the brain. That way, the brain receives less oxygen. So, keep your body moving and challenge it with a little more physical activity at least once a week.

Yet, the body also needs sufficient rest. Grant your body seven to eight hours of sleep for the regenerative process. The right sleeping environment (silence, darkness, a good mattress, etc.) prevent sleep disturbances. But also take some breaks throughout the day and eliminate sources of interference, like a radio, when you need to work and concentrate.

The body consists of approximately 75 percent water; the brain’s even made up of 90 percent. A sufficient fluid intake of about two liters / 8 cups a day is therefore essential for optimal brain performance. But don't just drink anything. Coffee, lemonade, and alcoholic beverages have a negative effect. Instead, opt for still water, unsweetened tea, and water with a shot of juice.

Don't overstress your brain. Support it by structuring your everyday life and sticking to your agenda as much as possible. Beyond that, notes can be a big help - not only when forgetting something but also helping you make the right connections.

Active occupations strengthen the brain, passive ones weaken it. So, keep your brain busy with creative activities like painting, pottery, and playing music but also with some real logic training as crossword and number puzzles. Limit your time in front of the TV, on the other hand.

Healthy diet

Last but not least, nutrition plays a fundamental role. If you're going to give up breakfast in favor of a diet or because you're giving in to your lazy self, you're not doing your brain any favors. It needs the energy contained in food to function well. Also, pay attention to a balanced diet. Whole grain products are particularly beneficial to brain function, as are red meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, and nuts. 

Frequencies of food supplements

Likewise, a range of food supplements are considered to be pure brain boosters. These include mycelia called Lion's Mane Cordyceps. They support the survival and development of neurons and strengthen the brain structurally and functionally. Bacopa counteracts the natural cognitive aging process. These and ten other food supplements are stored as frequencies in a unique 90.10.-CARD: "Tink for Men," which is tailored to the needs of middle-aged men. "Tink for Women" was developed for women in this age group. Besides the so-called brain booster, both cards contain four more complex boosters that can help delay aging.